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HomeResearch CenterFlood Insurance

Flood Insurance

Many people feel that flood insurance is for homes that are located near the coast or by large lakes or rivers. Nothing can be further from the truth!


Extreme weather can and will happen. Floods and flash floods can occur all over the state.

Hurricanes are the most severe natural events that will drive destructive flood waters into your home, but they are far from the only danger.

Torrential rains, clogged sewer drains, broken water mains. soaked grounds and snow melt will contribute to catastrophic flood emergencies.

There have been several “Federal Emergency Declarations” in the past several years, from tropical depressions, to severe hurricanes. We will hopefully never see an intense storm like Katrina or Ike (fingers crossed) again.  But that does not mean there aren’t other potential flood dangers facing us here in Maryland.  Just think back to Tropical Storm Isabel in 2003.

What is the real danger? The danger I’m talking about is not carrying a flood insurance policy. Even one inch of water in your home could cost you thousands of dollars in damages.

Let me be clear on this!

Your  homeowner’s insurance policy will not pay for flood damage.

You will need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy.

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So how does buying flood insurance work?

The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) is actually run by the US Government.  It is part of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

FEMA sets the rules and the rates and allow several private insurance companies to write the policy on their behalf.

National Flood Insurance premiums are set by FEMA based on the property location and amount of coverage requested.

Properties are located in various “flood zones” and can be classified as being in a “special flood hazard zone” or in a regular non-hazard zone.  Obviously, the closer the dwelling is located to a body of water, the greater the likelihood that it is in a “special flood hazard area”. Flood insurance premiums are higher if a property is located in a special flood hazard area.

If you are purchasing a home in a flood hazard zone, chances are good that the lending institution supplying your mortgage will require flood insurance.

People paying cash for their home are not required to obtain flood insurance but we would strongly recommend it.

Homes not near the water will likely be considered to be in a low risk flood zone. These properties can still purchase flood insurance at surprisingly inexpensive rates. In many instances a preferred policy is available for under $500.

How Can You Determine Your Flood Zone?

All municipalities in Maryland maintain flood maps and can tell you which flood “zone” your property is located.

Homes located in special flood hazard zones may be eligible for significant discounts.  These are based on the finished elevation of the dwelling and the type of foundation. In short, the higher the elevations of the structure off the ground, the less likely the chance of flood damage and the lower the insurance rate.

We can review the “flood zone” in which your home is located, determine the structure and foundation type and review some coverage options and deductibles with you.

Why Contact Huff Insurance For Your Flood Insurance Needs?

Our well versed team will find you the best coverage possible at the least expensive price.

I hope that the information provided here has helped you to gain a greater understanding of flood insurance and how important it is.

We routinely talk to our customers and friends about this flood insurance.   Wee keep up with the changes that continue to occur on the federal level.

We are passionate about this subject because of all the situations we have seen during our long experience working here in the Gulf Coast region. The various named hurricanes and tropical depressions that have hit us over the years have all done considerable damage to many homes, businesses and other properties in our communities. That’s why it is so important to us that you have the best protection possible.

The good news is that this product is easily available.  The trained professionals at Huff Insurance can make it affordable for you!  Call or fill out the quote form and one of our agents will each out to you.

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